colon cancer

Constipation – When to see a Doctor

I’ve written previously on the common condition of having constipation, which provides a good overview of the causes and initial treatment options. However, my practice receives a lot of calls from patients wondering what the determining factors are regarding when they should see a doctor for this condition. These questions were the inspiration for creating more guidance on how constipation should be perceived and treated by patients. While this is never a pleasant topic to discuss or experience, a normal occurrence of bowel movements is important for everyone’s overall health. I hope those reading this information in the San Antonio, TX area find this information helpful, and if you need to see a


By |2018-01-31T01:21:53-06:00April 17th, 2017|colon cancer, constipation|Comments Off on Constipation – When to see a Doctor

2017 Colon Cancer Awareness

“I’m an avid sports fan.  I am proud of what the sports community has done to help raise awareness for breast cancer.  If you watch sports enough you will frequently see the “pink” awareness color of breast cancer in the stands, on uniforms, on athletic equipment and on signs and banners.  We need this constant reminder because breast cancer is preventable, yet still takes way too many lives.  Colon cancer awareness color is “dark blue”.  This color, and reminder, I don’t see nearly enough.  Colon cancer, also preventable, is the second leading cause of cancer death in our country.  It’s my job as a gastroenterologist to


By |2020-09-17T14:01:36-05:00March 1st, 2017|colon cancer, Colonoscopy|Comments Off on 2017 Colon Cancer Awareness

2017 Get Your Rear in Gear 5k Run/Walk – San Antonio, TX

This March I’ll be participating in the Get Your Rear in Gear 5k Run/Walk in San Antonio with co-workers from our gastroenterology clinic and endoscopy center. I’m very proud that the Gastroenterology Clinic of San Antonio will be a presenting sponsor in this year’s event. This is a family friendly walk/run with lots of great kid’s activities.

Proceeds from this event will be granted towards programs that will raise colon cancer screening rates, increase awareness, and educate the public about the signs and symptoms of this disease in the San Antonio, TX community. I encourage everyone to join us to help raise awareness and colon cancer screening rates in San Antonio. To learn more about colon cancer and


By |2017-02-01T15:16:11-06:00February 1st, 2017|colon cancer|Comments Off on 2017 Get Your Rear in Gear 5k Run/Walk – San Antonio, TX

Colon Cancer Symptoms

My patients often ask me if certain digestive symptoms like rectal bleeding can be an indicator for colon cancer. The short answer yes, but most likely that is not the case. Many of the colon cancer symptoms can also be caused by something that isn’t cancer, such as infection, hemorrhoids, irritable bowel syndrome, or inflammatory bowel disease. The symptoms of colon cancer very widely and for most patients it is completely asymptomatic.

With March being colon cancer awareness month, I wanted to provide further education on


By |2018-01-31T01:21:54-06:00March 19th, 2016|colon cancer|Comments Off on Colon Cancer Symptoms

2016 Colon Cancer Awareness

With March being colon cancer awareness month, I wanted to share some important information regarding prevention along with some specific awareness events that are occurring in the San Antonio area in 2016 to help promote colon cancer awareness for our community.

Colon Cancer Facts

  • It is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer and the second leading cause of cancer death.
  • The lifetime risk of being diagnosed with colorectal cancer is about one in 19.
  • While most people diagnosed with colon cancer have no family history of the disease, those with a family history of the disease should begin screening at an earlier age.
  • With early screening and testing, colon cancer is Preventable, Treatable & Beatable!


By |2018-01-31T01:21:54-06:00March 1st, 2016|colon cancer, Colonoscopy|Comments Off on 2016 Colon Cancer Awareness

Stool Tests and GI Health

I wanted to do a follow up on my recent blog post on “What Your Poop Says About You” by elaborating on some of the types of stool tests we as gastroenterologists in San Antonio TX may conduct on your stool.  We base these stool tests on the symptoms a patient presents with, their medical history and a description of the changes in their stool.  A stool analysis is a series of different stool tests done on your poop to diagnose certain conditions potentially affecting the digestive tract.

Why do I need Stool Tests in San Antonio TX

I realize that the idea of collecting


By |2018-01-31T01:21:54-06:00May 6th, 2015|Bowel Movements, colon cancer, Colonoscopy|Comments Off on Stool Tests and GI Health

Colon Cancer Awareness Month 2015

With March quickly approaching, I wanted to provide a reminder that this is colon cancer awareness month.  The American Cancer Society estimates that 50,000 people in the United States alone will loose their life to colon cancer in 2015.  With that in mind, it’s important for us to promote that this cancer is very treatable to family, friends and co-workers in San Antonio TX.
The key is to get screened at the recommended age.  Here are a few key points to keep in mind regarding Colon Cancer and links to valuable resources:

By |2018-01-31T01:21:55-06:00February 28th, 2015|colon cancer, Colonoscopy|Comments Off on Colon Cancer Awareness Month 2015

Colon Cancer – Why is it increasing in those under 50 in San Antonio TX?

One of the questions I frequently get from my younger patients here in San Antonio, Texas, is regarding the right age at which to first get screened for colorectal cancer.  I am a big advocate of prevention and I promote colon cancer screening with colonoscopy.  I had my first colonoscopy at age 40.  However, this awareness message typically references the recommended colon cancer screening ages established by the American College of Gastroenterology.  Following those guidelines you would typically start screening at age 50 unless other factors prevailed, such as family history.

The good news is we, as gastroenterologists, have done a great job with colorectal cancer in patients over the


By |2018-01-31T01:21:55-06:00December 8th, 2014|colon cancer, Colonoscopy|Comments Off on Colon Cancer – Why is it increasing in those under 50 in San Antonio TX?

Colon Cancer Screening- Choosing The Right Test

There is a lot of information out there about colon cancer screening. Some of it is good information and some of it is not. One of my jobs as a physician is to help my patients decide which is which, and help guide them in their preventative health care choices. Colon cancer screening is something I take very serious. I have had colon cancer screening myself and I’ve made sure all my loved ones who are of the appropriate age have had a screening as well. There are different methods available out there for all types of health screening. I get questions all the time about the right way to screen for colon cancer. So how do we choose the


By |2018-01-31T01:21:55-06:00July 7th, 2014|colon cancer, Colonoscopy|Comments Off on Colon Cancer Screening- Choosing The Right Test

What are Quality Indicators for Colonoscopy?

A patient brought me an article last week from Reader’s Digest magazine that listed different questions you should ask your gastroenterologist prior to your colonoscopy.  I felt that two of them were important to comment on that relate to the quality indicators for colonoscopy.  In medicine, a lot of money and time is spent on what we call Quality Indicators – things that help us predict if our colleagues, or ourselves, are practicing the best medicine we can. That article prompted me to write this blog.

We track quality indicators closely in my group as we


By |2018-01-31T01:21:55-06:00May 28th, 2014|colon cancer, Colonoscopy|Comments Off on What are Quality Indicators for Colonoscopy?
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