
Which Yogurt Is Best for Gut Health?

Yogurt is a delicious and nutritious food that can benefit your gut health. With endless potential mix-ins, it’s easy to get your daily intake of healthy fats, protein, prebiotics, probiotics, vitamins, and minerals.

There are numerous yogurt options in grocery stores, so it helps to know their differences before you shop.

This article will take you through the nutritional profiles of different types of yogurt and how they impact your gut health. Keep reading to learn more about yogurt and which one might be best for you.


By |2023-06-05T19:44:01-05:00June 5th, 2023|colon cancer, Diet, Digestive Health|Comments Off on Which Yogurt Is Best for Gut Health?

How Do Digestive Enzymes Benefit Your Gut Health?

Digestive diseases affect around 60 to 70 million people in the United States. Astonishingly, this causes more than 21 million hospitalizations every year. It’s important to pay attention to changes to your gut health to help you avoid medical complications.

With the high prevalence of digestive diseases, it’s not surprising that there’s an increased interest in digestive enzymes.

This article will discuss what digestive enzymes are and how they affect your gut health. We’ll outline how enzyme deficiencies can occur and when you should see a doctor. Keep reading to learn more about how to care for your digestive enzymes and improve your gut health.

What Are Digestive Enzymes?

Your body naturally produces digestive enzymes to aid digestion.


By |2022-12-21T17:47:16-06:00December 21st, 2022|Diet, Digestive Health|Comments Off on How Do Digestive Enzymes Benefit Your Gut Health?

5 Tips to Avoid Stomach Issues When Traveling

Have you ever felt bloated, constipated, or nauseous when traveling? If so, it’s something you don’t want to repeat!

Vacations should be about exploring your destination, trying local foods, and spending time with friends and family — not your stomach issues.

Sometimes, all the changes that come with traveling can create a perfect storm that disrupts your digestion. This article will discuss how you can avoid unwanted stomach issues on your next trip.


By |2021-07-26T21:36:41-05:00July 26th, 2021|Diet, Digestive Health|Comments Off on 5 Tips to Avoid Stomach Issues When Traveling

Grains: Everything You Need to Know

Grains have existed for thousands of years. Incredibly, our ancestors started eating grains more than 100,000 years ago.

For most people, grains are a dietary staple. But there are some diet plans like the keto and paleo diets that avoid eating grains.

In today’s modern society, grains are a controversial food. However, research overwhelmingly shows that whole grains offer many benefits when eaten in moderation. Keep reading to learn more about grains and how they can impact your health.


By |2021-06-08T11:44:17-05:00June 8th, 2021|Diet, Digestive Health, Nutrition|Comments Off on Grains: Everything You Need to Know

Is MCT Oil Good for My Gut?

MCT oil has become increasingly popular in the last decade. It’s a known health staple for individuals who follow a ketogenic diet.

Many of my patients often ask if they should add MCT oil to their diets. When you consider adding any new supplement to your diet, it’s always important to do your research.

Keep reading to learn about the potential health benefits and side effects of MCT oil.

What Is MCT Oil?

MCT oil is a dietary supplement that contains medium-chain triglycerides (MCT). Medium-chain triglycerides are a form of saturated fat.


By |2021-03-23T10:36:25-05:00March 23rd, 2021|Diet, Digestive Health|Comments Off on Is MCT Oil Good for My Gut?

How Does Caffeine Affect Gut Health?

Is your coffee pot set on a timer to start brewing coffee every morning like clockwork? There’s nothing like waking up to the roasty aroma of your favorite brew.

Taking that first sip of warm coffee fresh from the pot is almost as satisfying as the energy boost you experience after.

Drinking your morning coffee helps wake you up and get your day started on the right foot. And you can tell when you skip it. You feel sluggish and tired without that morning cup of joe.

Caffeine is a popular dietary choice for many people to give them that extra boost they need throughout their day. But do you know how these choices affect your gut health?

Today, we’ll discuss what caffeine is,


By |2020-10-07T14:25:30-05:00October 7th, 2020|Diet, Digestive Health|Comments Off on How Does Caffeine Affect Gut Health?

Does a Plant-Based Diet Improve Gut Health?

You may have heard of a plant-based diet since it’s been getting a lot of press lately. Whether you ran across it in the news or watched a movie like The Game Changers, there’s no shortage of people claiming a plant-based diet has improved their health. Many have said it can help be a tool for weight loss and even lead to a healthier complexion.

But is a plant-based diet all it’s cracked up to be and can it really improve your gut health?

If you’re regularly experiencing digestive problems like an upset stomach, diarrhea, or constipation, you may want to examine your diet. This is because your diet plays an important role


By |2021-01-28T15:47:36-06:00September 11th, 2020|Diet, Digestive Health, Nutrition, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Does a Plant-Based Diet Improve Gut Health?

Gluten-Free Holiday Baking Tips

I’ve attended a few holiday parties recently and it got me thinking about how they can be stressful for those with celiac or an intolerance towards gluten. With this in mind, I wanted to re-visit the topic of eating gluten-free and more specifically gluten-free holiday baking.

In this article I’ll cover a few fundamentals regarding gluten and then move on to a few tips & challenges with gluten-free holiday baking.


By |2019-07-16T18:26:07-05:00December 14th, 2018|Diet, Nutrition|Comments Off on Gluten-Free Holiday Baking Tips

9 Hacks to Improve Gut Health Naturally

An unhealthy gut can leave you wasting time in the bathroom – and really, who has time to waste? We’ve all experienced it before – that rumbling sound coming from your stomach when the room is completely silent and that bloated uneasy feeling. That’s something we all want to avoid. I battled this myself for many years as I tried different diet and life style changes trying to find that balance for my system. I attributed it to getting older – which I was – but that didn’t mean I was ready to feel that way. These experiences led me to want to share hacks to improve gut health.

Not only can an unhealthy gut cause unwanted digestive issues, but


By |2018-11-14T12:03:31-06:00November 14th, 2018|Diet, Digestive Health, Nutrition|Comments Off on 9 Hacks to Improve Gut Health Naturally

Fiber – How Much Do I Need?

As a gastroenterologist, I get a lot of questions from my San Antonio, TX patients about fiber intake.  We all know it’s the right thing to do but most of us don’t take enough.  So what is the right amount?  What is the right type?  Can I get it in my diet or do I have to buy a supplement?  Let’s dive into some of these most common fiber questions.

What is dietary fiber?

Fiber is the plant material we eat in our diets and comes in two main forms- soluble and insoluble.  Soluble fiber dissolves in water and is fermented in the colon.  Insoluble fiber does not dissolve in water and acts


By |2022-10-03T09:22:43-05:00June 27th, 2016|Bowel Movements, Diet, Nutrition|Comments Off on Fiber – How Much Do I Need?
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