Digestive Health

How to Strengthen Your Immune System in the Gut

Having a robust immune system is more important than ever as we continue to deal with this global pandemic. Thankfully, the vaccine rollout gives us a glimpse of the light at the end of the tunnel.

Remarkably, 70% of your immune system lies in your gut. Optimizing your immune system can help to protect you from harmful viruses. And the best way to do that is by improving your gut health.


By |2021-02-04T12:32:37-06:00February 4th, 2021|colon cancer, Digestive Health, Nutrition|Comments Off on How to Strengthen Your Immune System in the Gut

Why Do My Hemorrhoids Keep Returning?

You’ve tried everything to get rid of your hemorrhoids: diet changes, lifestyle modifications, home remedies, and topical medication. But nothing seems to last. Your hemorrhoids keep returning. And you don’t know why.

Thankfully, there is a long-term solution for recurring hemorrhoids. It’s called hemorrhoid banding. This procedure can improve your quality of life by permanently shrinking hemorrhoids.

This article will first discuss what hemorrhoids are. We’ll highlight the differences between internal hemorrhoids and external hemorrhoids. We’ll then explore why you may experience recurring hemorrhoids. Lastly, we’ll discuss treatments for hemorrhoid removal, including hemorrhoid banding.


By |2020-12-23T17:16:50-06:00December 23rd, 2020|constipation, Digestive Health, hemorrhoids|Comments Off on Why Do My Hemorrhoids Keep Returning?

Colonoscopy Costs in San Antonio Explained

Whether it’s time for your colon cancer screening exam or a symptom needs to be evaluated, we all will need to plan for a colonoscopy at some time in our life.

This process involves more than just the dreaded pre-exam prep solution. Like with all medical services, we need to plan for the related expenses to avoid any surprises.

To help with this budgeting process, I’ve created an infographic highlighting key aspects determining the patient’s financial responsibility. After the graphic, you’ll find a detailed description of the different potential fees that can be associated with your colonoscopy, along with a few tips as well.

In San Antonio, TX, we’re fortunate to have great healthcare options. I hope that this information better prepares patients


By |2021-01-28T15:45:26-06:00December 1st, 2020|colon cancer, Colonoscopy, Digestive Health|Comments Off on Colonoscopy Costs in San Antonio Explained

How Does Caffeine Affect Gut Health?

Is your coffee pot set on a timer to start brewing coffee every morning like clockwork? There’s nothing like waking up to the roasty aroma of your favorite brew.

Taking that first sip of warm coffee fresh from the pot is almost as satisfying as the energy boost you experience after.

Drinking your morning coffee helps wake you up and get your day started on the right foot. And you can tell when you skip it. You feel sluggish and tired without that morning cup of joe.

Caffeine is a popular dietary choice for many people to give them that extra boost they need throughout their day. But do you know how these choices affect your gut health?

Today, we’ll discuss what caffeine is,


By |2020-10-07T14:25:30-05:00October 7th, 2020|Diet, Digestive Health|Comments Off on How Does Caffeine Affect Gut Health?

Does a Plant-Based Diet Improve Gut Health?

You may have heard of a plant-based diet since it’s been getting a lot of press lately. Whether you ran across it in the news or watched a movie like The Game Changers, there’s no shortage of people claiming a plant-based diet has improved their health. Many have said it can help be a tool for weight loss and even lead to a healthier complexion.

But is a plant-based diet all it’s cracked up to be and can it really improve your gut health?

If you’re regularly experiencing digestive problems like an upset stomach, diarrhea, or constipation, you may want to examine your diet. This is because your diet plays an important role


By |2021-01-28T15:47:36-06:00September 11th, 2020|Diet, Digestive Health, Nutrition, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Does a Plant-Based Diet Improve Gut Health?

5 of the Best Ways to Improve Your Gut Health as You Age

When you think about aging, you’re likely struck with thoughts of wrinkles, greying hair, and wondering where these pesky extra pounds came from. So it might come as a surprise to realize that the process of aging is happening just as much on the inside of your body as it is on the outside.

It’s true, growing older changes more than your physical appearance. It also has drastic effects on the health of your gut. But don’t let that scare you, there are plenty of things you can do to improve the health of your gut to ultimately keep your digestive system running like it did when you were in your twenties.

Today we’re going to explore how and why gut health


By |2020-09-17T13:50:47-05:00July 22nd, 2020|colon cancer, Colonoscopy, Digestive Health|Comments Off on 5 of the Best Ways to Improve Your Gut Health as You Age

Here’s What You Need to Know About Gut Health and Stress

You know that tight, knotted feeling you get in your stomach when your stress levels are rising? It might cause you to have to run to the restroom … Or eat everything in sight?

We know stress has a dramatic effect on overall health and happiness. But did you also know that stress plays a significant role in the health of your gut? The truth is that increased pressure is responsible for a host of digestive health issues.

When you throw in the stressful effects of living in a world dealing with a pandemic, you, unfortunately, have the perfect stress storm. Our way of life now was unfathomable just a few months ago. This change on top of living in fear of


By |2020-05-28T11:23:34-05:00May 26th, 2020|Digestive Health|Comments Off on Here’s What You Need to Know About Gut Health and Stress

Support Local Businesses

Small businesses represent a key component of any city. During this time of separation many businesses are still providing limited services to try and survive while keeping many of our neighbors and friends employed. As a proud small business owner in San Antonio, I wanted to help promote some of these businesses and encourage others to support them. This is a list of a few that I frequent.


By |2020-04-09T11:20:13-05:00April 8th, 2020|Digestive Health|Comments Off on Support Local Businesses

Is Alcoholic Liver Disease Reversible?

Alcoholic liver disease (ALD) can be a frightening but very real complication of drinking in excess. With the social normalization of alcohol consumption in our culture, it’s important to be mindful of how much alcohol you’re actually drinking to avoid the possible life-threatening effects of ALD.

What is Alcoholic Liver Disease?

The liver takes the brunt of the tissue injury that excess alcohol consumption causes. Because the liver is responsible for metabolizing alcohol, it can develop lesions and become inflamed in response to excessive and frequent alcohol use. Chronic alcohol use destroys liver cells and can actually scar the liver.


By |2020-04-09T11:19:03-05:00January 30th, 2020|Digestive Health|Comments Off on Is Alcoholic Liver Disease Reversible?

Digestive Enzymes Supplements: Worthwhile or Hype? What You Need to Know

You’ve probably seen digestive enzymes while strolling the aisles of your local drugstore. Maybe you’ve even wondered if you should be taking them or if they’d benefit you. When you’re experiencing gut health issues like gas, bloating, cramping, or diarrhea, it can be tempting to grab whatever is on the shelf and hope it will make your symptoms go away.

Digestive enzymes are very useful for treating true enzyme deficiencies. But how do you know if you’re deficient or if this is the right treatment for you? Well, let’s dive into the science behind digestive enzymes and how to know if they’re right for treating your symptoms.


By |2019-11-18T11:49:04-06:00November 18th, 2019|Digestive Health, IBS, SIBO|Comments Off on Digestive Enzymes Supplements: Worthwhile or Hype? What You Need to Know
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